Sunday, March 9, 2008

Marketing hype for Software As A Service

I have been working with a start up company for roughly 4 years called CyberSavvy. They specialize in developing software solutions using Microsoft’s latest technologies. One of their new product they have developed recently is a productivity tool called Direct Time. This is a time tracking tool that monitors employees and contractors and tracks their productivity in Real Time. They have developed this webpage to market their product as a (SaaS)- Software As A Service which is a direction that many see software designs moving forward to – this provides end users a competitive advantage of getting everything they need and keeping up with speed of technology growth. One of things I am impressed with, is their use of real business scenarios and Video Clip. video clips to demo their application and showing how companies can find it beneficial to their success. Their product description is very detailed and clear. Using direct quotes from their customers also help market their product.

So far they have had lots of attention that has driven consumers and researchers to the company. With recent CyberSavvy SQL 2008 case study and scheduled Press Release I think the company has made lots of progress in marketing their SaaS.