Wednesday, February 6, 2008

An interesting marketing duo; Rolex at the Opera?

New Marketing Platform Announced by ROLEX and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

In an interesting move, Rolex teams up with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, in a marketing campaign set to begin in 2009.

"The partnership specifically includes worldwide televisionvisibility before and after the broadcasts of the most well-known televised classical music concerts, the New Year's Concert and the SchÃnbrunn Concert..."

As we talk about target markets, I find it interesting that such a luxurious watch company would choose to advertise to such a small population (seeing as how the opera isn't the most popular venue) but is considered a very presitious, upper class event. I'd venture to guess that 90% + of the people you will find at an opera or orchestra concert fall in the upper, upper class. An event that brings expensive suits, jewelry, and limosines, is sure to have an extremely high population of people that can afford $5000+ watches. They certainly aren't advertising at NBA or MLB games, where you're more likely to find the general public.

At the prices these watches go for, they can only be afforded by a small population, and since this is a tough group to track down, it is very smart for them to advertise at events such as a classical music concert. Here you are likely to find a very high percentage of your target market in one spot, not to mention in a place where they are looking their best, in their most expensive outfits, and are sure to think that a Rolex would make a nice addition to their outfit. I believe Rolex will be able to capture a huge portion of their target market in one place by doing this. An unlikely pair, but brilliant idea.